Feel empowered and confident on exam day!
73 Test-Relevant, Multi-Media Lessons + 26 Downloadable PDFs
Each topic has its own lesson
Straightforward, conversational style
Presented by expert psychiatric nurse educator, Alison Miller
Colorful, dynamic presentations that includes real-life examples
Material that is current to ANCC's new 2024 PMHN exam
Each lesson 3-17 minutes long
Focused on just the information you need to pass the exam
Accessible from all devices
Access to materials is immediate upon enrollment...and never expires!
PMHN Board Certification Exam Prep
Master Course
Specifically for the new (2024) ANCC PMHN exam, this bundled package of all four Sections--73 lessons and 26 downloadable PDFs in all--provides you with the most comprehensive psychiatric nursing exam review available.
It includes:
Section 1: The Foundations of Psychiatric Nursing
Section 2: The DSM-5-TR and Psychiatric Diagnoses
Section 3: Medications, Interventions, and Therapies
Section 4: Critical Topics in Psychiatric Nursing
--> PLUS 40 test-relevant practice questions (10 at the end of each Section) with rationales and discussion (even the incorrect answers are examined discussed!)
--> PLUS personal access directly to Alison Miller if you get stuck on any topic!
--> Immediate access to course upon enrollment
--> Access to the course never expires!
--> One-time enrollment fee of just $299
Section 1:
Foundations of Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing Foundations covers all the things a psych nurse needs to know before even stepping onto a psychiatric unit. For instance:
A Review of Psychiatric Diagnoses
Psychotropic Medications and Adverse Reactions
Scope and Standards of Practice
Code of Ethics and the Tarasoff Rule
Legal Terms and Issues Every Psych Nurse Must Know
Trauma Informed Care
Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care
Review of Important Theorists
Brain Anatomy and Neurotransmitters
Building the Therapeutic Relationship
Therapeutic Communication: Barriers and Enhancers
Psychiatric Assessment Tools
Key Psychiatric Interventions
Suicide Risk Assessment
20 Psychiatric Definitions
PLUS Practice Questions, with Rationales and Discussion
Psychiatric Diagnoses, Personality Disorders and the DSM 5
Section 2: Psychiatric Diagnoses, Personality Disorders and the DSM 5 covers must-know information about the patients we care for, including:
An Overview of the DSM 5
Trauma-Related Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
Bipolar Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Eating Disorders
Neurocognitive Disorders
Substance Use Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Child and Adolescent Disorders
Each of the Personality Disorders
**PLUS Practice Questions
Click here to
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Section 3:
Medications, Interventions, and Therapies
Medications, Interventions, and Therapies gets into the nitty gritty of psychiatric nursing practice. This course is packed with 23 crucial lessons on topics such as:
Medication Reconciliation
FGAs and Their Adverse Reactions
SGAs and Their Adverse Reactions
Mood Stabilizers amd Amticonvulsants
Antidepressants and Anxiolytics
Key Lab Values to Know
Milieu Therapy
Group Therapy and Yalom's 11 Curative Factors
Therapeutic Nursing Groups RNs Can Run
Nursing Interventions by Diagnosis
Best Practice for Seclusion and Restraint
PLUS Practice Questions, Rationales and Discussion
Section 2:
The DSM-5-TR and Psychiatric Diagnoses
Psychiatric Diagnoses, Personality Disorders and the DSM 5 covers must-know information about the patients we care for, including:
An Overview of the DSM-5-TR
Trauma- and Stress-Related Disorders
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Bipolar Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Gender Dysphoria, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation
Neurocognitive Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Substance Use Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Psychiatric Disorders Seen Only in Children and Adolescents
Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
Each of the 10 Personality Disorders
PLUS Practice Questions with Rationales and Discussion
Section 4:
Critical Topics in Psychiatric Nursing
Critical Topics in Psychiatric Nursing covers all the extra topics you have to know for the exam. Things like:
Keys to Best-Practice Documentation
Nursing Research, Terms, EBP, and Critical Thinking
Psychiatric Nursing Case Management
Five Stages of Behavioral Change
Three Levels of Prevention
Three Types of Crises
Psychiatric Outpatient Care
Sentinel Event/Serious Reportable Event
Nicotine Cessation
2 Reports to Know​
PLUS Practice Questions, Rationales and Discussion
Just looking for some
high powered practice questions?
We've got you covered!
We've pulled the 40 practice questions
from the Master Course and
made it a separate course!
40 Practice Questions with
Discussion and Rationales
Each Section of the Master Course offers 10 discussion-formatted practice questions, where you'll learn not just the correct answer and rationale, but you'll be provided with a thorough explanation as to why each of the other three answers are not correct. This will deepen your understanding of the material as well as provide you with test-relevant practice questions.
As an option, you can enroll in this stand-alone Section that brings together all 40 of the questions you would get in the Master Course, without the 73 lessons. (NOTE; If you're enrolled in the Master Course, you will automatically have access to these 40 test prep questions!)
Being familiar with the ANCC test question process is crucial to passing the exam! Remember--this is not like any other exam you've taken before! Sign up today so you can walk in there with confidence and clarity!
*If after 5 days you don't feel the course is living up to your expectations,
just send an email to Alison@PMHRN.com
and she'll provide you a full refund.